22 October, 2010

wikispaces- sleeping ugly (our own version)

Once upon a time, there was an ugly girl in the little town. Boys in town always made fun of the girl with her face. But the ugly girl doesn't care about what other people said. She always look at the bright side and she nursing her sick mother by herself. One day, A witch came to the little town and see the girl's mother and said. "I think it is not useful to nursing your mother because she is almost die of terrible disease." The ugly girl shocked by what witch said to her. So she begged to the witch for saving her mother. Finally witch said there is only one way to save her mother. It was the way that the girl fall in a sleep forever replace her mother's death.

written by Yoon seon

She was in a distress. In fact, sleeping forever was already like death. She didn't want to lose her life. But she had to save her mother. Eventually she told her mother the story about the witch. After listening the story, her mother suggested cheating the witch. That is, they prepare a orangutan to transform it into the ugly girl. Fortunately, she looked just like a orangutan. They captured a orangutan that is most similar to the girl in the forest. At last, they got their ducks in a row. And the appointed day was comming. They thought the orangutan would sleep eternally. So it had been no problem.
Written by Dahye^^

The girl heard the witch's footsteps on the front door. She checked that the orangutan was asleep, dressed up just like herself. She covered the orangutan's face up with the blanket just in case the witch might become suspicious, and hid herself inside the closet behind the bed. Her heart began to beat loudly, she was scared. The girl's mother stood in front of her bedroom to beg the witch, just in case the witch would change her mind. The girl heard the witch talking to her mother, and she was surprised by the witch's voice- it was a voice of a male! The girl heard her mother ask the man who he was, he said he was a follower of the witch and the witch sent him instead to do the job. In just a few seconds, the girl thought of a new plan. That man was popular in the town for having no girlfriend his entire life. So the girls in town all gossiped about him being attracted to really ugly girls. As thinking about this, the ugly girl quickly got out of the closet, put the orangutan into the closet, and lied down on the bed instead. She thought the man would fall in love with her, change his mind about bewitching her, and cure her mother's disease. Her new plan was perfect.

Written by Chanmi

Eventually, the man came up to the ugly girl. The girl's heart was hammering in her chest. When he saw the ugly girl, he heaved a sigh of despair looking ceiling because of her bad appearance. However, his appearance was worse than her. So, he suddenly thought that this girl could be his girl because her appearance was similar to him. Therefore, he cured ugly girl's mother without any exchange. After curing, he said to the ugly girl, "Run away from here with your mom, and wait for me in the Lampland where nobody knows." In this way, she ran away with her mom and married with the man and conceived twins who were not ugly anymore. Thus, they lived happily ever after.

Written by Sun

12 October, 2010

How does technology help task-based writing?

3. How does technology help task-based writing?

There are many useful tools to help task-based writing. There are actually lots of fun sites for students to have fun while writing. One of the aspects of task-based writing is providing an alternative ending to the original story or create your own story. For example, in wikispaces.com, the teacher can set up a topic or genre, one student can start creating his own story, maybe a paragraph, then other students could follow, and maybe the last member of the group could finish the story, give an ending. If the teacher gives a topic which is similar to an actual reading book but just change a word or so, then students would be excited to create a totally different story.

These kind of writing activities could be followed by grammar, spelling, or vocabulary checker such as spellchecker.net. If the student puts his paragraph(that he wrote) into the box in spellchecker, it would provide some correct or alternative options for parts of your sentences.

These kind of tools could be shared by many students or groups, therefore is interactive work.

Week 6 Writing

1. From commnicative language teaching (CLT) perspective, Writing practice should be interactive. Discuss how English teachers can provide interactive English writing experience for students.
-Traditionally, writing is usually individual work, not interactive work (pen+paper+dictionary)
-Communication tools (twitter- exchange comments)

1)Students share the pen with the T adn classmates. The written text is structured and compoased by both Ss and T together.
2)Making writing conditions more authentic by specifying audience, situation, purpose, and intention
-Interactive writing: some purpose for real-life (send message to others, information, recording, resume) to certain different audiences (expect reactions)
EX) 이순신: provide an alternative ending as a group, write a comical scenario (drama script), compare his childhood to my childhood
EX) Suppose you are a children story writer to kindergarten students, use easy vocabulary to write about General Lee's childhood.
3)Interplay between texts, writer, and readers

-brainstorming as a group (add opinions and ideas together)
-collaborative writing
-whole class examination of texts produced by other students (comments, feedback)
-whole class discussion

2. When we write for authentic purposes, there are always audience (except secret diaries or self-notes). Discuss types of writing activites for different audiences.
-write an appreciation letter in parents day
-movie review
-fan letter
-writing portfolio
-write a letter to the author of a story
-exchange letters (pen-pal)

08 October, 2010

Reading tools


If you log into Brainpop, one of the tools for reading, you will see many categories. If you type ESL in the search engine, for example, you will find several levels you can try on. There are free trials and free lessons. One of the good things about Brainpop is that it is colorful and attractive, since students will most likely use this cite. For every unit lesson, there is a dialogue presented in animation. At the bottom, you will find words to know, games, reading, writing, listening activities, and so on. There are so many activities in just one lesson, with the use of all four language skills.
I think this cite is useful for beginners of English, especially young children. There are animation, motion pictures, and games, which can attract their attention easily and also make them follow your lesson, get what they need to get from the lesson. And there are so many lesson plans for teachers to use. I think it's good to use several tools together, for example comic cite. However, it would be better if the teacher combine these tools with more reading materials such as Dear Abby or TIME for kids. TIME magazine has a section for kids to read, they are easy to follow and with pictures and short stories. For children who do not like to read or cannot read difficult materials or are just not interested in the world news, it would be a good online tool for reading. Using children's stories tools would also attract students' attention, plus they give children some moral lesson to take in.

Week 5 Reading

Top-down Approach
-focus on meaning (background knowledge, past experience)
-get the main point of the text
-Ignore grammar structure and vocabulary
-Follow the logical sequence
-Quick reading
-Cartoons, internet articles

Bottom-up Approach
-Specific information, details
-Grammar structures
-Prepare for exams
-Textbooks, poetry

Interactive Approach
-Depend on the purpose of reading
-Balance two approaches in L2

Intensive Reading (정독)
-Similar to bottom-up
-Quality of understanding
-Tests preparation
-Appropriate amount of reading
-Textbook or workbook
-Understanding better
-Thoroughly understanding the meaning
-Reading accurately
-Easily get bored

Extensive Reading (다독)
-Top-down approach
-Quantity; fluency
-Build cultural and subject matter knowledge
-Fun, knowledge building
-Authentic materials; easy
-"Why" reading? - to enjoy reading itself
-Long time to improve the quanlity of reading

01 October, 2010

'국·영·수만 늘린’ 교원 임용시험

중등교사 임용시험을 한 달여 앞두고 있는 김아무개(30)씨는 최근 청천벽력 같은 소식을 들었다. 올해에는 자신이 준비해온 공통과학 과목 교사는 전국에서 한 명도 뽑지 않는다는 것이었다. 김씨는 “3년간 시험을 준비해왔고 특히 최근 1년 동안은 집을 떠나 학원가 고시원에서 먹고자며 공부했는데 당장 짐을 싸야 할 판”이라며 허탈해했다.
최근 전국 시·도 교육청이 내년도 교사 임용공고를 발표하면서, 김씨처럼 오랜 기간 임용시험을 준비해온 수험생들 사이에서 불만의 목소리가 터져 나오고 있다. 전체 신규임용 규모가 대폭 줄었을 뿐 아니라, 지역에 따라서는 신규 채용을 한 명도 하지 않는 과목도 여럿 있기 때문이다. 서울 노량진 학원가에서 임용시험을 준비해온 한 수험생은 “지금 임용고시 학원가는 거의 공황 상태”라고 말했다.

24일 교육과학기술부와 전국 시·도 교육청이 발표한 자료를 보면, 2011학년도 중등교사 신규채용 공고인원(특수·보건·영양교사 등은 제외)은 지난해보다 492명이 줄어든 2041명으로 집계됐다. 시·도별로는 수도권의 신규채용 감소 폭이 커, 서울은 지난해 375명에서 214명으로 161명이, 경기도는 지난해 912명에서 348명으로 564명이 각각 줄었다.

과목별로는 교원 수급의 ‘양극화 현상’이 두드러진다. 국어·영어·수학의 신규채용 공고인원은 전체의 55.3%(1128명)로 지난해의 51.2%(1297명)보다 비중이 오히려 4.1%포인트 늘었다. 그러나 사회과목 신규채용 인원 비중은 지난해 16.1%(407명)에서 올해는 5.3%(108명)로 크게 줄었다.

공통사회와 공통과학 과목은 전국을 통틀어 신규채용 인원이 한 명도 없었다. 사회교과는 지리가 지난해 76명에서 올해 19명으로 75% 줄어드는 등 6과목 모두 감소 폭이 컸다. 도덕·윤리와 한문 과목 교사를 뽑는 곳은 16개 시·도 가운데 각각 4곳에 그쳤다.

이에 대해 교사들은 내년부터 적용되는 ‘2009 개정 교육과정’의 영향 때문이라고 주장한다. 진영효 전국교과모임연합 의장은 “교과목 편중과 이에 따른 교원수급 등의 문제는 교과별 수업시수 자율 증감과 집중이수제를 뼈대로 하는 ‘2009 개정 교육과정’이 도입되면서 충분히 예견됐던 것”이라며 “입시 중심의 교육 풍토에서 수능에 도움이 되지 않는 과목이 도태되는 현상이 현실화하고 있다”고 말했다.

이유진 기자 frog@hani.co.kr