08 October, 2010

Week 5 Reading

Top-down Approach
-focus on meaning (background knowledge, past experience)
-get the main point of the text
-Ignore grammar structure and vocabulary
-Follow the logical sequence
-Quick reading
-Cartoons, internet articles

Bottom-up Approach
-Specific information, details
-Grammar structures
-Prepare for exams
-Textbooks, poetry

Interactive Approach
-Depend on the purpose of reading
-Balance two approaches in L2

Intensive Reading (정독)
-Similar to bottom-up
-Quality of understanding
-Tests preparation
-Appropriate amount of reading
-Textbook or workbook
-Understanding better
-Thoroughly understanding the meaning
-Reading accurately
-Easily get bored

Extensive Reading (다독)
-Top-down approach
-Quantity; fluency
-Build cultural and subject matter knowledge
-Fun, knowledge building
-Authentic materials; easy
-"Why" reading? - to enjoy reading itself
-Long time to improve the quanlity of reading

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