07 April, 2009

Study goal for this year

I wanted to be a teacher since I was a little kid due to my mother's impact (she was a kindergarten teacher) and the three great teachers who have influenced me. I had several experiences to tutor English to young kids and I was pretty sure I had skills in teaching.

However, as I spent one month in Chung-Ang University, I realized that there are many areas that I can go to after graduating English Department. There was of course English teacher, but also professor, translator, and reporter for English newspapers. I like teaching, so right now I am thinking about both a middle/highschool teacher and a professors. I love the way the professors in my department teaches and I'd like to be one of them in the future. I know that being a professor is not easy to be and it requires lots of harder work and time, but I am beginning to feel that I want to teach college students about how to become English teachers.

As a freshman in Chung-Ang University, I want to focus on what I can do only in the first grade in college, get to know many people from many departments, playing with my friends, and get to make the school feel like my school. My study goal for this year would be taking TOEIC exam, focus on school studies, and ask lots of questions about the course. I take Korean writing in cultural studies and I wondered why should an English department student learn about Korean writing, but I know that all the courses in college will give me benefits in the future. I will use spare time (such as when I am on bus) to memorize English vocabulary since I forgot many that I memorized earlier. I will use the classes as much as possible and gain lots of new information about what I can do with my life.

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