07 April, 2009

Digital Storytelling

I was born in a small town in the southern part of Korea in November 14, 1990. My father was a pastor, and I gained the chance to go abroad at the end of fourth grade due to his decision to migrate to Shenyang, China as a missionary. I went to Chinese school for one and half years and then went to Shenyang International School when I began my sixth grade. Sudden change of entering college in America to Korea in my Junior year at highschool made me experience a lot more difficulties as a senior, but I do not regret coming to Korea for college. I spent my senior year in Seoul and was accepted to Chung-Ang University.

My MBTI test results showed ENFJ- Extraversion, Intuition, Feeling, and Judging. I prefer to direct my energy to deal with "the outer world." I prefer to deal with generating new possibilities or to anticipate what is not obvious. I prefer to decide using values and or personal beliefs. I want my life to be planned, stable and organized. ENFJ is the idealist portrait of the teacher.

I met three great teachers in my life and I can say that they motivated me to become a great teacher. As i was growing up, other careers also triggered my interest but this job as a teacher had always been in the small part of my mind. For the last few years, I had several chances of tutoring English to younger kids, and I realized that there are no easy careers in life and that I truly want to be a teacher who could influence at least one student.

I started studying English to get into Shenyang International school. Since I went to International school, I gained many chances in speaking with foreigners, and they helped me improve my speaking and listening skills. My favorite movies are Harrypotter series, the Sound of Music, and the American sitcom FRIENDS. I especially liked Harrypotter as a child, so I read HP books everyday and watched HP movies often until I almost memorized all the dialogues.

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