41. archipelago- island-chain, a group of many islands
42. arduous- laborious, strenuous
43. aristocratic- noble, well bred, partrician
44. ascetic- abstemious, austere; monk, priest
45. assail- attak, assault
46. assemblage- assembly, collection, gathering
47. atrophy- wither, shrivel
48. attenuate- slenderize, reduce, to make thin or slender
49. audit- verification, checking; verify, check
50. augur- portend, indicate, prognostigate
51. autocrat- dictator, tyrant
52. avant-garde- forward, modern
53. avocation- hobby, sideline, a favorite activity
54. avuncular- uncle-like, kind
55. backlash- repercussion, backfire
56. banality- platitude, commonplace, monnotony
57. bane- torment, ruin, affliction; cause of one's ruin or trouble
58. barb- gibe, insult, a hurtful remark, calumny
59. bastion- defender, champion, bulwark
60. bedazzle- daze, blind, to impress greatly through splendor, ability etc.
30 April, 2009
29 April, 2009
pig flu
-돼지인플루엔자 감염이란.
▶돼지에서 발생하는 호흡기 질환으로 감염된 돼지와 직접적으로 접촉한 사람에게 질환을 유발하기도 한다.
-돼지인플루엔자 감염 증상은.
▶보통 감기증상과 크게 다르지 않다. 발열, 무력감, 식욕부진, 기침 등 증상이 발생하고 사람에 따라서는 콧물, 인후통, 오심, 설사와 구토 증상이 함께 나타난다.
-사람 사이엔 어떻게 전염되나.
▶기침과 재채기로 확산될 수 있다. 바이러스가 탁자나 전화기 등 주변 물체에 있다가 사람 손을 통해 입, 눈, 코 등 인체로 유입돼 감염될 수 있다.
▶인플루엔자라는 바이러스로 옮겨지는 전염병이기 때문에 손을 자주 씻는 것이 좋다. 알코올이 함유된 젤이나 손세척 전문 살균제 등이 특히 손에 있는 바이러스나 박테리아를 없애는 데 효과가 있다. 사람이 많이 모인 장소도 피해야 한다. 고열, 기침, 근육통 등 전형적인 독감 증세가 갑자기 나타난다면 직장이나 학교 등 공공장소를 피해 병원을 찾아 의사 진단을 받아야 한다. -돼지고기는 먹어도 되나.
▶익혀서 먹으면 아무 문제가 없다. 돼지인플루엔자 바이러스는 식품으로 전파되지 않기 때문에 돼지고기나 돼지 육가공품을 섭취하는 것으로는 돼지인플루엔자에 감염되지 않는다. 돼지인플루엔자 바이러스는 71도 이상 가열하면 사멸된다. -돼지인플루엔자 치료 방법은. ▶미국 질병통제예방센터(CDC)는 인플루엔자 항바이러스제인 `타미플루`와 `릴렌자`를 치료와 예방약으로 추천하고 있다.
-과거 국내 발생 사례는.
▶우리나라에선 돼지인플루엔자 인체감염 환자 발생 사례가 한 건도 보고되지 않았다.
26 April, 2009
20 April, 2009
SAT vocabulary
21. amity- goodwill, harmony
22. amorous- ardent, passionate
23. amorphous- shapeless, formless
24. analgesic- palliative, painkiller
25. ancillary- auxiliary, subsidiary
26. anthropomorphize- humanize, personify
27. antidote- cure, remedy
28. apathy- indifference, dispassion, insolence
29. ape- copy, mimic
30. aplomb- poise, self-assurance; confidence and self-control
31. apostate- denouncer, renegade
32. apparition- ghost, phantom
33. appraisal- judgment, assessment
34. approbation- approval, consent, support
35. apt- suitable, likely, appropriate, deserving
36. arable- farmable, cultivable
37. arbiter- authority, judge, mediater
38. arbitration- mediation, judgment, adjudication
39. arboreal- free-dwelling, living in trees
40. archetypal- classical, typical
22. amorous- ardent, passionate
23. amorphous- shapeless, formless
24. analgesic- palliative, painkiller
25. ancillary- auxiliary, subsidiary
26. anthropomorphize- humanize, personify
27. antidote- cure, remedy
28. apathy- indifference, dispassion, insolence
29. ape- copy, mimic
30. aplomb- poise, self-assurance; confidence and self-control
31. apostate- denouncer, renegade
32. apparition- ghost, phantom
33. appraisal- judgment, assessment
34. approbation- approval, consent, support
35. apt- suitable, likely, appropriate, deserving
36. arable- farmable, cultivable
37. arbiter- authority, judge, mediater
38. arbitration- mediation, judgment, adjudication
39. arboreal- free-dwelling, living in trees
40. archetypal- classical, typical
17 April, 2009
Designing my blog
Desigining my blog is so much fun,
studying for 'Linguistics' and 'the History of English Language' is not.
studying for 'Linguistics' and 'the History of English Language' is not.
16 April, 2009
15 April, 2009
Thinking about who I am
Studying is hard
It's so much different from how I've studied in highschool
College life is so much different from what I've expected
Right now, I'm confused about who I am
It's so much different from how I've studied in highschool
College life is so much different from what I've expected
Right now, I'm confused about who I am
14 April, 2009
My 10 year plan
1. In 2018, I’ll be…A High school English Teacher
2. MUSTS during college life (Chung-Ang University 2009-2013)
1) TOEFL 105 2) TOEIC 990 3) Achieve computer application ability Grade 1 4) Volunteer service 5) MUSE circle- keep playing piano 6) one-year exchange student 7) Get scholarship- study hard and have no regrets! 8) Read Newspaper 9) Get driver’s license since I’ll have to drive back and to from school in the future 10) Study Chinese 11) Good and broad relationship will be beneficial for me in the future as a teacher 12) Tutor English 13) Appear on Television or Newspaper 14) Memorize vocabulary during break time 15) Take good care of my health
3. MUSTS everyday
1) Read Bible 2) Take good care of my health 3) Never get lazy 4) Never forget my moto- 'never give up' and 'positive thinking' 5) Good and broad relationship 6) Think about me 10 years from now 7) Memorize vocabulary during break time 8) Concentrate during class 9) Read newspaper
08 April, 2009
It's spring, but mid-terms are coming
It's spring!
Today morning before I came to school, I checked the weather on internet and I realized it's 20 degrees today.
So I decided to wear short-sleeved t-shirt, but decided to wear something on top just in case it might be cold at night.
I spent the shiny morning in the library at the 2nd floor at Chung-Ang Artcenter, but I could not concentrate on study since I hadn't been in a library since last September.
I thought I am a hard-working student, actually I thought my self as a little genius as my mom often called me.
But I realized that there are so many good students around me, so many hard-working students and so many geniuses. I realized yesterday that all of my classmates were good students in highschool and that many of them had been accepted to this university with scholarship.
I was shocked at the news because I thought I was smart.
And I realized how I have been playing this last few precious months since I've been accepted to college.
I want to be a English teacher, I want to be good, I want people to know me because of how good I am. I want my parents to be proud of me, I want to show the people how I have grown.
I know college is different from the life I've been in the past. Before, the teachers have given me all the information I needed to know and they checked whether I've been doing work. However, right now I have to make all the decisions and make plan for my life.
I do not know what my life would be in the future. I want someone to show me my future, I want to know what I would be in 10 years from now.
I am afraid to make all the decisions by myself.
I want to go play today after school, but I am going back to the library at Chung-Ang Artcenter to study. I am not sure if I can study until 10 p.m. as I promised myself. But I am going to stay at school until night because that way I feel safe and comforted, even though actually I am not ready for the mid-term exams.
I feel like my friends are going to criticize me if I do not get a good grade this semester, because I am not going playing with them. I think I will be dissapointed at myself also.
I also want to enjoy myself as a freshman at college but I think I will go back to the library today.
07 April, 2009
Study goal for this year
I wanted to be a teacher since I was a little kid due to my mother's impact (she was a kindergarten teacher) and the three great teachers who have influenced me. I had several experiences to tutor English to young kids and I was pretty sure I had skills in teaching.
However, as I spent one month in Chung-Ang University, I realized that there are many areas that I can go to after graduating English Department. There was of course English teacher, but also professor, translator, and reporter for English newspapers. I like teaching, so right now I am thinking about both a middle/highschool teacher and a professors. I love the way the professors in my department teaches and I'd like to be one of them in the future. I know that being a professor is not easy to be and it requires lots of harder work and time, but I am beginning to feel that I want to teach college students about how to become English teachers.
As a freshman in Chung-Ang University, I want to focus on what I can do only in the first grade in college, get to know many people from many departments, playing with my friends, and get to make the school feel like my school. My study goal for this year would be taking TOEIC exam, focus on school studies, and ask lots of questions about the course. I take Korean writing in cultural studies and I wondered why should an English department student learn about Korean writing, but I know that all the courses in college will give me benefits in the future. I will use spare time (such as when I am on bus) to memorize English vocabulary since I forgot many that I memorized earlier. I will use the classes as much as possible and gain lots of new information about what I can do with my life.
Digital Storytelling
I was born in a small town in the southern part of Korea in November 14, 1990. My father was a pastor, and I gained the chance to go abroad at the end of fourth grade due to his decision to migrate to Shenyang, China as a missionary. I went to Chinese school for one and half years and then went to Shenyang International School when I began my sixth grade. Sudden change of entering college in America to Korea in my Junior year at highschool made me experience a lot more difficulties as a senior, but I do not regret coming to Korea for college. I spent my senior year in Seoul and was accepted to Chung-Ang University.
My MBTI test results showed ENFJ- Extraversion, Intuition, Feeling, and Judging. I prefer to direct my energy to deal with "the outer world." I prefer to deal with generating new possibilities or to anticipate what is not obvious. I prefer to decide using values and or personal beliefs. I want my life to be planned, stable and organized. ENFJ is the idealist portrait of the teacher.
I met three great teachers in my life and I can say that they motivated me to become a great teacher. As i was growing up, other careers also triggered my interest but this job as a teacher had always been in the small part of my mind. For the last few years, I had several chances of tutoring English to younger kids, and I realized that there are no easy careers in life and that I truly want to be a teacher who could influence at least one student.
I started studying English to get into Shenyang International school. Since I went to International school, I gained many chances in speaking with foreigners, and they helped me improve my speaking and listening skills. My favorite movies are Harrypotter series, the Sound of Music, and the American sitcom FRIENDS. I especially liked Harrypotter as a child, so I read HP books everyday and watched HP movies often until I almost memorized all the dialogues.
People's Republic of China
06 April, 2009
I cannot believe Mid-term exams are coming so quickly!
I was so busy on the first month of college life that I didnot care so much about school work, and right now I am so worried that my grades won't be so good.
My parents are expecting me to be a good girl and study hard, because these days it is so hard to get into any job.
But I think I have been enjoying college life too much.
The professors are beginning to tell us about the mid-term exams, but we donot know yet what and how different the exams will be from the tests we took before at highschool.
There are less than two weeks until the exams, so my friends and I decided to study hard since the subjects we are learning are so difficult to understand. We went to the library since yesterday and promised each other to go there as often as possible. Time is ticking away and soon mid-terms and finals will approach. I want to be ready when the time comes.
I was so busy on the first month of college life that I didnot care so much about school work, and right now I am so worried that my grades won't be so good.
My parents are expecting me to be a good girl and study hard, because these days it is so hard to get into any job.
But I think I have been enjoying college life too much.
The professors are beginning to tell us about the mid-term exams, but we donot know yet what and how different the exams will be from the tests we took before at highschool.
There are less than two weeks until the exams, so my friends and I decided to study hard since the subjects we are learning are so difficult to understand. We went to the library since yesterday and promised each other to go there as often as possible. Time is ticking away and soon mid-terms and finals will approach. I want to be ready when the time comes.
04 April, 2009
01 April, 2009
Shenyang International School
Membership Training
My department went to Membership Training on March 27-28.
It was so much fun, even though it was tiring cause there was no time to rest.
I've never been to a MT before, so I wondered what was going to happen there.
My expectation grew much more as the bus arrived in Il-san YMCA.
Firstly, we met with the teachers, and then we we went out directly for sports activities.
We played dodge ball with the teachers, then the boys and the girls split apart to play soccer and baseball using feet.
It was so cold, and the girls were not used to playing baseball, we finished early and watched the boys playing.
The highlight of the sports activities was relay. Even though I did not participate, we all enjoyed people racing and had so much fun.
The sports activities were very tiring, but we could not rest, after dinner was time for our performance !!!
We practiced and practiced, then, it was time for 'Night of English Education Department'.
The professors also performed, and it was amazing. I was very shocked to see how great singers the professors were!
Because the professors were such amazing singers, we had more pressure since we could not practice that much.
But, the performance was a hugh success. The professors seemed to enjoy and we enjoyed watching each other perform.
After the performance time, we had no time to rest. We went out to dance and then came back to play all night.
There was no school bus to return home so all of us had to come back home individually.
I came back home and slept until the next morning.
MT was so much fun but so tiring.
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