07 September, 2010

Week 1 web 2.0

8 Key Factors for successful language learning
1. Learners have opportunities to interact and to negotiate meaning.
-should orally interact with each other, have conversation; socially exchange real message (NOT: role-play; YES: talking about last weekend)
2. Learners interact in the target language with an authentic audience.
-with the people involved in the real English communication
3. Learners are involved in authentic tasks.
-participate in activities with authentic audiences in real situations
4. Learners are exposed to and encouraged to produce varied and creative language.
-use the technology, etc
5. Learners have sufficient time and feedback.
6. Learners are guided to attend mindfully to the learning process.
-should be motivated and pay attention to the learning process (NOT: test-outcome)
-evaluate the students' improvement; writing reflection
7. Learners work in an atmosphere with an ideal stress/anxiety level.
-less stressful environment, should feel comfortable
8. Learner autonomy is supported.
-self-directed learning

WEB 2.0
1. user-centered; active
2. system
3. posting; create
4. tailored; change things on my own purpose; add or delete; customized
5. open to everyone; easily accessible
vs. WEB 1.0

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