27 May, 2009

English Immersion Program values and pitfalls

1. Speaking Proficiency will improve (including pronunciation)
2. Double investment (killing two birds with one stone)
3. Learners will learn English in L1 context
4. Subject knowledge will be more globally used
5. No more payment for extra lessons, no gap between the rich and the poor
6. Learners can learn English more competently and effectively since they are more used to speaking English in English-speaking environment. Affective filter can be lowered.

Content-based Instruction (CBI)

1. Lack of understanding- learning failure
2. Not effective for all students (effective only for motivated students)
3. Not appropriate for all subjects (ex. Korean history)
4. Too costly and time-consuming
5. More private education
6. Not enough teachers who can teach their subject in English

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