27 May, 2009

English Immersion Program values

We think that the immersion program has more things positive than negative.
Because Korea don't have enough resources like oil, we need human resources in preparing for this globalized world. As we can see from the examples of India and Israel where they learn both their language and English together, these countries show outstanding achievements like Nobel Prizes. We need to be competent in communicating in English about a particular subject like physics or mathematics. Using English like this is advantageous in studying abroad later in the future. We do not think Immersion Program is good for kids in young age. We think in maybe middle or high school students who are already proficient in Korean skills. Also, first of all, the teachers should be good at English themselves because they should be able to teach their subject in English. If these are satisfied, then we think using English in other subjects is a good step toward a globalized society. When learn a language, it is better to not just sit in the classroom and learn, but to actually use it in other things. So this immersion program can help improve the students' English very fast and effectively.

1 comment:

  1. Online is a good way to learn the basics of theEnglish immersion, but immersing yourself in the language is the best way to become fluent. If your ultimate goal is language fluency, as it is for many students learning a language, then it is important to know that you will become more fluent more quickly if you increase the amount of contact you have with the language.Rent a movie in the target language, or listen to authentic audio or video online.
