15 April, 2013

Journal 3

Journal 3 Highlight anything that you have learned through this course and discuss why this is meaningful for your learning and instruction?

The importance of reading in English is evident. I knew the value of reading before I took this course, but was not sure why it is important, or how to teach English reading effectively. I came to realize various terms regarding reading, many sub-categories in reading, and also various methods in teaching reading.

There are many purposes in reading. Many Korean students do not like English reading because they only think it as "studying" or "comprehending" a text. However, there are also the reading for pleasure or to gain information. There is no one who does not read. Not only do people read magazines or textbooks, but people also read street maps or bulletin boards. I think Korean students should be aware of the fact that there is more to reading than just "comprehending the questions in the texts". By realizing how much they read every day in real life, they will soon realize the joy or pleasure of reading.

This course also made me realize the various skills in reading. I knew some skills and strategies, but it was the first time that I learned those skills and strategies in detail and how much I used them in my own reading. I learned some new skills which I plan to use for my future reading. While doing the "Travel Hunts" activity, I got to examine a Korean High school English textbook, dividing the stages into pre-reading, while-reading, and post-reading stages. I found some strengths but also weaknesses. By critically reviewing each stage, I could realize that many Korean textbooks are trying to include various reading strategies than before, but there are still many things to improve. I learned the importance of "Travel Hunts" activity, and why it is important to be critical. It is not just criticizing, but it also helps us to look at the textbook for improvement by discussing the strengths and weaknesses. While searching for a supplement reading lesson by using the web resources and making my own questions, I realized how difficult it was to help students improve their reading strategies. I think by combining the textbook resources and the online resources, students will get lots of chances which will help them enhance their reading.

Many people today talk about the value of Extensive reading. Before, the Korean education context focused much on intensive reading. Today there is a trend to shift into extensive reading, although it is difficult because there are not many Korean expert teachers who had ever got training in this area. Teachers tend to teach with how they have learned in their school days. When I was in high school in China, I got an experience with extensive reading method, so I think by more training, I can try extensive reading in my own future classroom. It is my dream to have Korean students enjoy reading in English. My presentation was about extensive reading, and through Professor's help, I got to read a book about Extensive reading in detail. I did not realize how many effective methods there were in this area. I hope to discover more methods in my future and try them on my own classroom.

There are so many things about reading that I have learned in this course. I will try to review what I have learned, and search more about teaching reading for my future classroom. I hope to be an expert in this area and be a help in changing the current Korean students who do not like reading into becoming reading experts.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Chanmi. You really worked hard in this class. I am pleased to hear that you learned a lot about the importance of reading throughout this semester. I enjoyed this class with you too.
