16 November, 2010

Week 12 Speaking

< Discussion Questions>

1. What is a goal to teach speaking? How can English teachers to achieve this goal?
-Communication process (effectively)
-Deliver message to others, listen and react in English appropriately
-Balance between input and output
-Comfortable atmosphere

2. Explain the following terms and types of speaking activities
*content-oriented vs. form-oriented input
-Content-oriendted: focus on information (lectures, weather report, news, movies)
-Form-oriented: ways of using the language (vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar, read aloud, intonation, fluency, My Words, spoken accuracy, grammar chants and songs, tong twister)

*communicative vs. structure input(output)
-Communicative output: fluency, meaning-based, message, less attention on errors
-Structure output: correct forms, specific structure, fixed dialogue, repeat, make students comfortable, accuracy

*information gap
-at least two people
-meaning negotiation actively involved; more meaningful
-two different roles
-communicating to get the information from another person

*picture narrating vs. picture describing
-picture narrating: based on several sequential pictures; Students are asked to tell the story taking place in the sequential pictures by paying attention to the criteria provided by the teacher as a rubric

-picture describing: give students just one picture and having them describe what it is in the picture; fosters the creativity and imagination, public speaking skills

*role play vs. simulation
-role play: students pretend they are in various social contexts and have a variety of social roles; fixed; use imagination

-simulation: more elaborate; create a realistic environment; dramatic

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