02 November, 2010

Week 10 Listening

1. Explain the two listening techniques: top-down vs. bottom-up and tell us when you employ each technique for what purpose.
Bottom-up: listening very carefully, to details
Listening test, explain direction, solve the problem

Top-down: get the main ideas using background information, guessing from context, listening to a chunk
Drama, TV, radio, talking with friends, music, novels, lecture, Korean context, predict

Implication: depending on the focus, purpose

2. What type of listening materials do you think good for top-down or bottom-up strategies? Review the listening materials and select some for each.
Bottom-up: academic texts, listening tests, dictation activities, phone #
Top-down: real-life stories, news

3. What is podcasting? Discuss the benefits of doing podacasting for L2 learners.
-digital recording of a radio broadcast or similar program, regularly. Search and download audio or video file downloaded to your PC, post them on the blog. People who RSS your site could download.
-1. T choose the right podcasting site, authentic material
2. Ss could pick what they are interested in (self-searchable), maybe authentic materials or educational, ESL materials

1. T can provide more various, interesting materials
2. challenging materials for advanced students (additional materials)

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